Day 8

Custom Post Type UI plugin (2h)

  • Using CPT UI:

    • Create a new Custom Post Type “Books”.

    • Create a new Taxonomy “Genres”, and assign it to “Books” CPT.

  • Add a few Genres and about 5 Books.

  • Create a new Page Template and assign it to Books CPT in Impreza Theme Options (you can copy it from any page template for Portfolio from any of our demos).

  • Create a new Grid Layout to show Books, make sure the Genre is shown in this layout.

  • Create a new Page with a Grid/Listing element to show Books using the Grid Layout from the previous step.

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report.

Send the report

Send the summary and link to the results to the curator.

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