Day 1

Learn More about Impreza (20m)

Get to Know the Live Builder (1h)

Creating a Test Site

  • Watch the screencast

  • Create your first test site with the ThemeTest

First Intro with the Builder

  • Watch the screencast

  • Edit a page on the created test site, add, move and edit page elements

  • Make a screenshot and add it to your daily training report

Copying Sections from Demo Sites

  • Watch the screencast

  • Copy a section from any Demo Site to your Test Site

  • Make a screenshot and add it to your daily training report

Quick Intro to the WPBakery (1h)

  • Learn how the WPBakery Page Builder works with Impreza

  • Discover how to do the following:

    • Enabling/disabling the WPBakery for Page Templates/Reusable Blocks

    • Editing elements Design Options

    • Adding a custom CSS for pages

Send the report

Send the summary and link to the results to the curator.

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