Day 7

Advanced menu modifications (2h)

  • Learn how to work with menus using Impreza.

  • Check the menu on the Blog / Magazine demo.

  • Create a new Menu that will look and work the same as the menu on the Blog / Magazine demo. There's no need to copy all items, you can replicate only 3 menu elements: Blog Layouts, Travel, and Beauty (including 2nd level)

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report.

  • Add a header and add this new menu to it, then assign this header to a page and make sure that the created menu items on this page look the same as they look on the Blog / Magazine demo.

  • Learn how to make a hamburger menu for desktops.

  • Create a new menu consisting of any 5 items (all of which are first-level).

  • Create a new header and add this menu 2 times to it. The first instance of the menu should look like the hamburger menu on the Design Hotel demo, and the second instance should look like the hamburger menu on the Multi-Purpose demo.

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report.

Send the report

Send the summary and link to the results to the curator.

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