Day 6

Page/Post Templates (2h)

  • Create a Page Template for posts similar to the one that is used for this post. Do it without looking at the Page Template structure in the admin area. Use the web inspector instead to see which elements are in use.

  • Create a Footer (Reusable Block) similar to the one that is used on this page. Also, do it using the web inspector and not looking at the structure in the admin area.

  • Import the Auto Mechanic demo. Add a Reusable Block to show Testimonials like it is shown on the About page. Make this Reusable Block with Testimonials shown on all of the Services (portfolio) pages right before the Other Services section.

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report.

Send the report

Send the summary and link to the results to the curator.

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