Day 5

Post Lists: Part 2 (1h)

  • Create Grid Layout from a Portfolio template (one which has a hovered state different from the non-hovered one) and change it so the non-hovered state looks as template hovered and vice versa

  • Create a completely new Grid Layout that resembles a popular news site

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report

Reusable Blocks (1h)

  • Import one of the following demos

  • Create a new Reusable block and make it look and work like one of the Footers from the imported demo. You can check how the original Reusable block settings are set.

  • Make screenshots of the admin area and the front-end result, and attach them to the daily report.

Send the report

Send the summary and link to the results to the curator.

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